Charbonneau ND Series - CharbonneauGhost town schoolhouse and elevators viewed from south
by Peter Herman
Charbonneau ND Series - CharbonneauGhost town schoolhouse and elevators viewed from south
Peter Herman
Photograph - Photograph
Charbonneau ND (series)
Out near the Montana border in McKenzie county ND, south of WiIlliston lies the ghost town of Charbonneau. I spent a day exploring there in early July, and have uploaded numerous images here (search for "Charbonneau" to see them all together). The old schoolhouse, seen in this image, was closed in the 50's. Charbonneau was once a thriving town on the Great Northern rail, and had bank, several grocery stores, a John Deere dealer, post office, blacksmith, hotel, cafe, and more. Now, nothing remains aside from two abandoned elevators, the abandoned post office, and abandoned two-room schoolhouse and lots of empty, burned-out foundations. I thought the school was interesting, with its double-room layout and full-wall windows facing north and south in each room. When I went inside, the floor was a bit "mushy" in entrance area, and probably is going to collapse soon. I realized, just after I crossed that mushy area, that I stupidly had left my cellphone in the car, and would've had a long wait for help, had my weight been the last straw on that floor's camel back!
Images captured 7/3/20.
July 18th, 2021
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